Tuesday 5 April 2011


This software is an an advanced version of putty. It is faster than TOR for accessing and watching videos.This uses SSH tunnelling so works only when the net is not blocked. However if u want to access it, u need to connect it before the net is blocked.
To enlarge the images just click on it.
1.)Download tunnelier from the following link
2.) Install it and follow the steps

The password is obtained from website http://www.cray-cyber.org/access/obtain_guestpwd.php
Enter your name and email and u will get a password. The password changes everyday.

4.) click proxy settings and set as follows

5.)click ok and continue.



8.) Next to access through your browser you need to download the latest firefox and the network settings are as follows

      9.) There are other ssh tunneling sites similar to cray-cyber.org one of them is shellmix.com but you need to register to get username and password..

                              ENJOY SURFING ANONYMOUSLY....................:)